First GTA V roleplay server in Bangladesh.

Important Rules

Green Zones:
• Main Garage Only.
• Vehicle Shops.
• Hospitals.
• Restaurants & Company.
You can't Harm, Shoot, Carry, Take-Hostage someone in Green Zones. No Toxicity & let people mind thier own business. Park your Cars in Right manner & Keepout from using Horn/Burnout.
Other Zones:
• Blue Zone includes Police Department areas where extra protection are afforded to police.
• Red Zone includes Weed Farms and Weed, Coke, Meth and Opium Factory/Processing.

• Taking information outside the game & using it in RP situations is not allowed.
• Doing communication outside the game isnt allowed. Must use Phone or Radio.

• Players must value their lives. You can revive and respawn but must value it.
• Players also should value their Vehicles, Items or Assets. (Example: Do not try to run or punch someone when they have a gun to your head. Comply with all demands of criminals for fear of retaliation.)

• You must not kill someone without a valid reason or giving them a reasonable ultimatum.

• You can't kill/harm someone with any given reason with a vehicle.

• You can't disconnect from a RP situation without completing it. You can't disconnect while in a Police chase, Police custody, Cell & Under Observation of Police even respawn is available

Other Rules

• You can't use Hate Speech and Slang.
• You can't talk after death. You must co-operate with the given situation whether if you are at Pain, Hurt or Dead. If you are knocked unconscious or killed, you have to act as an injured person. You can't run or fight.
• You must not carry or do toxicity with a dead body. You can still take it to the hospital with a good intention.
• Participating in the same situation or location after being dead within 15 minutes is strictly prohibited.
• Doing 3rd party in robbery or Code-Red is prohibited.
• You must not share information about illegal processing with others or teach to new players. They have figured it out on their own.
• Exploiting bugs or using hacks. Using Glitch or Emote for Taking Advantage is not allowed.

• You can only claim 2 out of them. Police will start pitting after 5 minutes of the chase and off-road and highway.
• No one can escape or get shelter in Green Zone or in any persons owned house.
• There can be only 4 people involved in a whole bank robbery situation and 3 in shop robbery, 6 in principle Bank Robbery.
• Jumping in the Seas/Oceans will result in code red. Going off-road without an off-road vehicle isn't allowed.
• If you have backup outside of the robbery situation then they have to be 1 KM away from the robbery location.
• Fake hostages are not allowed. (e.g: Friends who are pretending to be a hostage.) House robbery siren (New)