First GTA V roleplay server in Bangladesh.

Gang Stage Rewards

Level up your gang and reach stages and earn rewards by completing various tasks and requirements.

Turf Map

Stage 1 Rewards

  • Gang Turf
  • 1 Gang Vehicles
  • Gang Management System
  • Gun Shipment (Combat PDW & Pistol .50)
  • Own Personal Vehicle Garage
  • Other In-City & Discord Privileges

Stage 2 Rewards

  • All Previous Rewards
  • Gang Owned Drugs
  • Custom Gang Cars
  • Gun Shipment (+SMG)

Stage 3 Rewards

  • All Previous Rewards
  • Own Personal Luxury Gang House
  • Personal Luxury House Blip on Map
  • Own Cloth Shop
  • Gang Member Extension +4
  • Custom Gang Car +1
  • Gang VS Gang Situation Member+2

Gang Rules

  • Recruitment: You may not recruit, invite, ask, or allow new members to join your gang or participate in illegal activities if they are new to the city. Members must have good knowledge and be in the city for at least 20+ days.
  • Meetings and Planning: Every gang meeting or planning session should be held within the city only.
  • Gang Limit: Follow the gang limit; all members must be registered on the gang list. There are no unofficial members.
  • Gang Fights: Gang fights 8 vs 8 & Stage:3 (8 vs 8) Gang vs. Civilians should be 8 vs 6. Police will not respond to gang fights if they are out of the city and marked as Red Zone.
  • Violence: Killing shouldnt be the last option. Carry the situation as long as possible and avoid getting raged or personal towards a group or individuals.
  • Gun Seizure: Police won't seize guns if they are used only to protect one's own area without any violence.
  • Gang Areas: Gang areas are risky for Police and EMS; they can choose whether or not to enter these areas for treatment.
  • Independence: Each gang must operate individually and cannot take actions together or form alliances with other gangs.
  • Dual Roles: You can't be a part of both the Police and a Gang at the same time.
  • Gang Switching: Gang switch cooldown is 5 days.
  • Ban Restrictions: If someone has a ban record within 7 days is not eligible to join a Gang.
  • Gang Cloth: Must wear gang cloth all the time.
  • Gang Fights Cooldown: A cooldown period of 30 minutes is required between gang fights.
  • Server Event: One event every 90 days which will give you (15-25) reputation boost. Failing to do so will receive -15 reputation
  • Member Limit: Follow the member limit as per the specific gang/civilian rules outlined earlier.
  • RedZone: A RedZone is considered active as long as it is visible on the map.
  • AirDrop Reward: The receiver must successfully reach a safe area or remain connected to the game within the AirDrop time period.
  • Rejoining Offense: Rejoining the same drop location is an offense according to the game rules.
  • Area Clearance: FIB/Police will clear the area once the AirDrop time has expired.
  • Visual Appearance: Ensure your Gang's Discord has a clean, organized, and visually appealing layout. Use consistent branding, including logos, colors, and theme.
  • Joining Information: Create a clear "How to Join" channel outlining the steps to become a member. Highlight the benefits of joining your Gang to attract new members.
  • Rules and Regulations: Establish a dedicated channel for Gang rules and regulations. Implement a system to ensure all members understand and follow these rules.
  • About Us: Include an "About Us" channel that provides a brief overview of your Gang’s history, goals, and values. Share your Gang's mission and what sets you apart from others.
  • Respect and Conduct: Prohibit any defaming or toxic behavior towards other groups, gangs, or departments within HalkaGorib. Promote a culture of respect and cooperation across the community.
  • Reputation Deducted: Reputation can be deducted upon not following game rules or Community Guideline.
  • Reputation Reserve: Once you reach 100% reputation, you can hold up to 15 additional points in reserve to use when needed.
  • Gun Shipment Eligibility: Maximum gang present is required with atleast one high in command and mush have 40+ reputation.
  • Weekly Gang Task: Gangs are given tasks each week based on certain criteria. Gangs with less than 80 reputation are eligible to participate with 5+ reputation points. Completing tasks will grant 5+ reputation points.
  • Gang Stage: Gangs must have around 70% of total reputation to be eligible for Stage up.
  • Shipment Date: Schedule shipment on 1st week & 15th of every month.
  • Reputation Reserve: Once you reach 100% reputation, you can hold up to 15 additional points in reserve to use when needed.
  • Gun Shipment Eligibility: Maximum gang present is required with atleast one high in command and mush have 50+ reputation.
  • Weekly Gang Task: Gangs are given tasks each week based on certain criteria. Gangs with less than 80 reputation are eligible to participate with 3+ reputation points. Completing tasks will grant 5+ reputation points.
  • Gang Stage: Gangs must have around 70% of total reputation to be eligible for Stage up.